Thursday, May 27, 2010

EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centre is doing a wonderful, philanthropic job in New York City. In Nigeria, the Project for Human Development (PHD) upholds the virtue of abstinence from sex before marriage and fidelity in marriage. But EMC goes far beyond that. My internship training programme here will broaden my knowledge and expertise in the issue of helping young, expectant mothers who are in need of love, emotional (and otherwise) support and the knowledge of the truth about human sexuality. I've worked for few days at the Brooklyn centre, and have already learned a lot. Young, pregnant girls in the age range of 15-21 years are afraid to keep their babies because of their education, family economic status and the shame of being a young single mother. But EMC is putting a smile on their faces as many of them who opted for abortion later decided to have their babies. The centre does not do this by brainwashing them but by telling them the truth and the dangers (to the woman's own person) of abortion. The scope of PHD will widen by the time I go back to Nigeria with so much knowledge and experience.

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